We Stand by Our Work

Here’s a look at a few of our clients to give you a sample of our work and how we solved their unique problems.

Govindas Food

The Problem

Govindas Food is a project from the non-profit organization Food4Lives. It was our goal to design a mobile application that supports their initiative to provide affordable lunch and dinner services, with proceeds going to feed people experiencing homelessness around Atlanta, GA.

Start State’s Simple Solution

Our application allowed users to submit orders on their mobile devices. The upgrade to digital orders resulted in measurable efficiency increases and saved roughly four hours of man-hours daily. Their new web dashboard lets them track orders and deploy drivers easily and effectively.

Services Rendered

  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development

Street Reach

The Problem

Street Reach is a program launched by Strategies to End Homelessness, which works in Cincinnati, OH. Street Reach needed an application that allowed citizens to report people struggling with homelessness. Once reported, outreach staff are deployed to help get them to shelters and back on their feet.

Start State’s Simple Solution

Since the app needed to deploy people to a specific area, a simple form/alert system wouldn’t be enough. To solve this, we made the app capable of delivering GPS data along with the report, allowing team members to be deployed quickly and accurately.

Services Rendered

  • Mobile Development


The Problem

Buying a home is already complicated enough, and Simplinotify contracted us to solve the problem of constantly reworking prequalification letters. Every time a home was offered for sale, a new prequel letter had to be requested at the offer price. If a lender or broker was away, they could not promptly send a new letter, causing delays in the home-buying process.

Start State’s Simple Solution

To solve this, we worked with Simplinotify to create a web application that would produce a new prequalification letter based on specific parameters when requested. If the new offer amount was below a limit set for that buyer’s account, the application would generate a new letter and keep the home-buying process moving.

Services Rendered

  • Web Development
  • API Development

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